25th – 26th July 2025
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

#Transforming Tourism, One Step at a Time!

The 11th International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Management (ICOHT 2025)

Theme: Sustainable Tourism

Conference Overview

International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Management (ICOHT) organized by the International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM), is an excellent knowledge sharing platform dedicated to the broad field of Tourism and Hospitality. ICOHT provides the opportunity for well-experienced academics, budding researchers, industry professionals, and practitioners to get together and address challenges pertaining to the field while focusing on possibilities and opportunities.


Sustainable tourism is a concept that has gained significant attention in recent years due to the growing awareness of environmental and social impacts of tourism. It refers to the development and management of tourism in a way that is economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable. The future of sustainable tourism is crucial for preserving natural and cultural resources, minimizing negative impacts on local communities, and ensuring long-term viability of the tourism industry.

Enhance & Evolve

  • Technological Advancements in Sustainable Tourism
  • Changing Consumer Preferences
  • Policy and Regulatory Frameworks
  • Customer Experience
  • Enhancement
  • Emerging Trends

Opportunity Awaits

  • Knowledge Sharing
  • Publication Opportunities
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Business Development
  • Professional Development
  • Exposure to Innovation

Conference Spotlights

  • Research Workshops
  • Research Seminar
  • Awarding Ceremony

Conference chair

Prof. Kashif Hussain
Senior Head
School of Business and School of Global Hospitality and Tourism
Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation

Tentative Conference Schedule

Day 01

09.00: Conference Registration
09.30: Opening Ceremony
10:00: Keynote Address 1
10.30: Keynote Address 2
11.00: Coffee Break
11:30: Distinguished Industry Panel
12.30: Lunch Break
14.00: Distinguished Academia Panel
15.00: Awards Ceremony
16:00: Coffee Break
16:30: Distinguished Research Panel
17:30: Research Workshops (Parallel Sessions)
20:00: Conference Dinner
21:00: End

Day 02

09.00: Conference Registration
09.30: Distinguished Speaker Address 1
10:00: Session 1: Paper Presentations
11:00: Coffee Break
11.30: Session 2: Paper Presentations
12:30: Lunch Break
14.00: Session 3: Paper Presentations
15.00: Session 4: Paper Presentations
16:00: Coffee Break
16:30: Session 5: Paper Presentations
17:30: Closing and Awards Ceremony
18.00: End

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